Locations, projects, and people occurring in the film

→ International Anarchist Convention 2012 – St.Imier, Switzerland
The biggest anarchist convention in recent history with about 3.000 participants.
You can find more information and links to articles in newspapers and TV reports here. (English)
→ Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) – Barcelona, Spain
Anarcho-syndicalist labor union with about 60.000 members.
Spanish website of CGT and a briefly worded article on Wikipedia in German.
→ Parko Navarinou – Athens, Greece
In 2009 occupied parking lot that has been turned into a public park.
Information in English, French and Spanish on the website of Parko Navarinou.
→ Hanna Poddig, Germany
Activist in the anti-nuclear movement who blocks nuclear transports by chaining herself to tracks. Furtheron she is working in the field of antimilitarism and is part of an anarchist translation collective. More information about Hanna on Wikipedia. (German)
One of her actual fields of activism is the resistance against nuclear transports through Hamburg. (German)
→ Enric Duran, Spain
Anti-capitalist activist who parted 39 banks from almost half a million Euros and who’s been living in the underground since then.
Blog of Enric Duran. (Catalan, Spanish, English, French)
→ Cooperativa Integral Catalana (CIC) – Barcelona, Spain
Co-founded cooperative by Eric Duran, with more than 2.000 members, who wants to bring about a transformation of society with the aid of alternative models of currency, own production and barter.
Website of Cooperativa Integral Catalana. (Catalan, Spanish, English, Italian)
Website of the project EcovilAmat. (Catalan)
Music of Juanito Piquete.
→ Kartoffelkombinat – Munich, Germany
Solidary agriculture cooperative which now supplies 450 households after two years of existing, and counting.
(*According to the definition of the members, the Kartoffelkombinat is not an anarchist project, but it is of great interest for us in the context of the film.)
Website of the Kartoffelkombinats. (German)

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